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About the Veterinarian

Dr. Fumiko Miyamoto (a.k.a Dr. Fumi)

Dr. Fumi is the founder of our company and has been helping pets of Broward County since 2013. She has 10 year experience as a Registered Veterinary Technician before she became a veterinarian.  Her main focus is general practice and emergency medicine.

Dr. Fumi was born and raised in Japan and moved to the US when she was 15 to pursue her dream of becoming a veterinarian. Her parents and family stayed in Japan while she attended boarding school in Danville, California. After her college counselor told her that it would be extremely difficult to get into veterinary school, she switched paths and majored in Digital Graphics. However, during undergrad, she couldn't stop thinking about being around animals so she attended Western Career College and became a Registered Veterinary Technician in 2004. She started to work as a weekend technician for a high volume emergency clinic in San Leandro, California. After completing undergrad, she took night classes to finish up prerequisite classes so she could attend veterinary school. She eventually made her dream come true and received her degree from Ross University.

Although she is a Northern Cali-girl at heart, she discovered that she enjoys the tropical weather and beaches that South Florida has to offer. The beach is where she goes to relax and rejuvenate!  She currently has two dachshunds, Mabel and Charlie and two kitties, Melon and Tora (3yr).

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